Advance Lodge No 635 of Astoria Queens Advert April 1916

Published on 9 May 2023 at 21:49


      On April 16th, 1916, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle ran a series of grand opening, week long celebration and bazaar, advertisements for the newly erected, fully modernized, Advance Masonic Temple in Astoria Queens' LIC. The temple, located on Grand and Van Alst Avenue, was purchased by Advance Lodge No 635 in 1910.

      Under the leadership of Charles Stockton, a building committee was formed and the cornerstone was laid in February of 1915. By April 1916, the majority of the building was completed and ready for its week long grand opening gala.

      Although the streets have since been renamed, the Advance Masonic Temple still stands proudly at its modern address of 2114 30th Avenue, Astoria, NY 11102. The Advance Lodge No 635 has since morphed into the Advance Service Mizpah Lodge No 586, but they continue to own, run, and regularly meet at the historic temple.

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